Wikipedia:WikiProject Time/Popular pages

This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Time along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 16,251,511

Updated: 00:52, 9 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Ramadan 1,281,625 41,342 C Low
2 Ides of March 642,992 20,741 C Mid
3 Daylight saving time 632,328 20,397 B High
4 Daylight saving time in the United States 181,608 5,858 B Low
5 Leap year 175,787 5,670 C Mid
6 Date of Easter 162,971 5,257 Start High
7 ISO 8601 159,495 5,145 B Top
8 Gregorian calendar 156,096 5,035 B Top
9 List of tz database time zones 155,754 5,024 List High
10 Time zone 154,231 4,975 B High
11 Islamic calendar 153,681 4,957 B High
12 History 147,960 4,772 B High
13 Coordinated Universal Time 143,810 4,639 B High
14 Eastern Time Zone 139,969 4,515 C Mid
15 Equinox 129,664 4,182 C High
16 Time 128,739 4,152 B Top
17 Anno Domini 122,797 3,961 C Top
18 Spring (season) 120,986 3,902 C Mid
19 Common Era 107,305 3,461 B High
20 Ramadan (calendar month) 105,213 3,393 Start Low
21 Julian calendar 103,906 3,351 B High
22 Daylight saving time by country 103,153 3,327 C High
23 Theory of relativity 102,103 3,293 B Top
24 March 101,141 3,262 C Mid
25 Big Ben 100,752 3,250 B Mid
26 Geologic time scale 93,563 3,018 B High
27 Antikythera mechanism 82,116 2,648 B Mid
28 Hebrew calendar 80,747 2,604 B High
29 12-hour clock 79,850 2,575 C High
30 Greenwich Mean Time 79,805 2,574 C Mid
31 Network Time Protocol 77,543 2,501 B Top
32 Chinese calendar 73,244 2,362 C High
33 Year 2038 problem 72,950 2,353 C Mid
34 Pacific Time Zone 70,475 2,273 Start Mid
35 24-hour clock 68,761 2,218 C High
36 Year 2000 problem 68,182 2,199 B High
37 February 63,719 2,055 C High
38 Chronology of Jesus 62,726 2,023 B Low
39 Timeline of the far future 62,221 2,007 FL High
40 Unix time 59,761 1,927 C Mid
41 Old Style and New Style dates 59,695 1,925 C Mid
42 General relativity 59,304 1,913 FA Top
43 Season 58,988 1,902 C Mid
44 List of time periods 58,515 1,887 C Top
45 Fiscal year 58,329 1,881 C Mid
46 Time travel 57,913 1,868 B High
47 Yom Kippur 57,748 1,862 B Mid
48 Chinese New Year 57,374 1,850 C Mid
49 Time dilation 57,198 1,845 B High
50 April 56,995 1,838 C Mid
51 Roman calendar 56,673 1,828 B Low
52 Year 55,822 1,800 C Top
53 Mountain Time Zone 54,920 1,771 Start Mid
54 Time in the United States 54,594 1,761 C High
55 Sunset 53,444 1,724 C High
56 British Summer Time 53,053 1,711 C Low
57 21st century 52,785 1,702 List High
58 Spacetime 51,063 1,647 B Top
59 3rd millennium 50,086 1,615 List Low
60 Statute of limitations 49,728 1,604 C Mid
61 Wheel of the Year 48,562 1,566 B Mid
62 Autumn 48,403 1,561 C Mid
63 Names of the days of the week 47,833 1,543 B Mid
64 Central European Time 47,617 1,536 C Mid
65 Frequency 43,811 1,413 C Low
66 Summer 41,754 1,346 C Low
67 Hindu calendar 41,725 1,345 B Mid
68 Clock 40,821 1,316 C Top
69 Moirai 39,836 1,285 B Mid
70 Summer time in Europe 38,751 1,250 Start Low
71 Special relativity 38,572 1,244 B Top
72 Calendar 38,092 1,228 C Top
73 Janus 38,046 1,227 B Mid
74 Prague astronomical clock 37,783 1,218 C High
75 Time in Australia 37,769 1,218 C Mid
76 Temporal paradox 37,762 1,218 C Low
77 Reiwa era 37,432 1,207 C Mid
78 History of Earth 37,090 1,196 B Mid
79 Week 37,022 1,194 B Top
80 20th century 36,731 1,184 B High
81 List of date formats by country 36,387 1,173 List High
82 Solar Hijri calendar 35,976 1,160 C Mid
83 International Fixed Calendar 35,176 1,134 C Low
84 Lunar calendar 34,829 1,123 C High
85 Anthropocene 34,787 1,122 B Low
86 Second 34,758 1,121 B Top
87 Witching hour 34,186 1,102 Start Mid
88 Month 33,210 1,071 B Top
89 Winter 33,190 1,070 C Low
90 Indian Standard Time 32,982 1,063 B Mid
91 Chronology of the universe 32,976 1,063 B High
92 19th century 32,085 1,035 C Mid
93 Twilight 32,072 1,034 C Mid
94 Coup of 18 Brumaire 31,772 1,024 C Low
95 List of time zones by country 31,328 1,010 List High
96 Causality 31,275 1,008 B High
97 Islamic New Year 31,092 1,002 Start Low
98 Atomic clock 30,873 995 B High
99 Determinism 30,310 977 C High
100 May 29,894 964 Start Mid
101 Anachronism 29,852 962 C High
102 Heisei era 29,804 961 B High
103 International Date Line 29,630 955 B High
104 Radiocarbon dating 29,412 948 FA High
105 Tuesday 29,391 948 Start Mid
106 Nisan 29,380 947 C Mid
107 January 28,919 932 Start Unknown
108 Immortality 28,590 922 C Mid
109 Iranian calendars 28,418 916 C Mid
110 Calendar of saints 27,759 895 Start Low
111 Summer solstice 27,513 887 C Mid
112 Daylight saving time in Canada 27,432 884 Start Mid
113 Leap second 27,296 880 B Mid
114 Earth's orbit 27,162 876 B Unknown
115 French Republican calendar 27,130 875 C Mid
116 Lunar New Year 26,893 867 C High
117 Sunrise 26,837 865 C High
118 Watch 26,560 856 B Top
119 UTC+00:00 26,181 844 List Low
120 Time signature 26,064 840 C Mid
121 Solstice 26,052 840 B High
122 Midsummer 26,051 840 C Mid
123 Timeline of prehistory 25,987 838 List High
124 Before Present 25,830 833 Start High
125 Time management 25,696 828 C High
126 June 25,479 821 C Low
127 Pendulum 24,743 798 B High
128 Liturgical year 24,437 788 C Mid
129 Timeline of women's suffrage 24,323 784 List Mid
130 Timeline of ancient history 24,310 784 List High
131 Ecclesiastical full moon 24,296 783 C Low
132 Prime meridian 24,214 781 B High
133 Ethiopian calendar 23,801 767 Start Mid
134 List of decades, centuries, and millennia 23,736 765 List Low
135 Anno Mundi 23,441 756 B High
136 Chronos 23,301 751 Start Mid
137 Central European Summer Time 23,200 748 Start Mid
138 Time series 23,060 743 C Mid
139 Hijrah 22,850 737 C Mid
140 August 22,741 733 Start Mid
141 Winter solstice 22,580 728 C High
142 Life Is Strange (video game) 22,515 726 GA Low
143 Sunday 22,305 719 Start Mid
144 Fortnight 22,098 712 Start Mid
145 List of UTC offsets 22,085 712 List High
146 Lunisolar calendar 22,042 711 C High
147 Thursday 21,379 689 Start Mid
148 Age of Earth 21,340 688 B Top
149 July 21,076 679 C Top
150 Tamil calendar 20,765 669 B High
151 UTC+03:00 20,475 660 C Low
152 Vikram Samvat 20,408 658 C Mid
153 UTC+02:00 20,301 654 Start Mid
154 September 20,270 653 Start Mid
155 Quartz clock 20,238 652 C Mid
156 UTC−05:00 19,837 639 List Low
157 Time in Canada 19,577 631 B Low
158 Fast of Esther 19,547 630 Start Low
159 Timeline of social media 19,527 629 List Low
160 Kairos 19,249 620 B Low
161 Japanese era name 19,198 619 C Low
162 Millennium 18,922 610 C High
163 History of timekeeping devices 18,880 609 FA Top
164 Time in the United Kingdom 18,764 605 C Mid
165 Sundial 18,754 604 B Low
166 Fortuna 18,563 598 C Low
167 Time in India 18,495 596 Start Low
168 Monday 18,171 586 Start Mid
169 Tz database 18,161 585 C Mid
170 Time in Arizona 18,086 583 Start Low
171 History of calendars 18,019 581 B Top
172 Time crystal 17,940 578 C Low
173 Ekadashi 17,937 578 C Low
174 Wednesday 17,909 577 Start Mid
175 Sidereal time 17,852 575 Start Mid
176 October 17,803 574 Start Mid
177 Self-fulfilling prophecy 17,723 571 C Mid
178 Saturday 17,717 571 Start Mid
179 Water clock 17,558 566 B High
180 Friday 17,511 564 Start Mid
181 UTC+01:00 17,418 561 Start Low
182 Day 17,208 555 C Top
183 Time in China 16,864 544 Start Mid
184 Dawn 16,848 543 C Mid
185 Hourglass 16,810 542 C Low
186 Calendar year 16,724 539 Start Low
187 Sunshine Protection Act 16,711 539 C Low
188 Lunar month 16,606 535 C Low
189 Century 16,524 533 C High
190 Unit of time 16,493 532 Start Low
191 December 16,447 530 Start Mid
192 Orbital period 16,414 529 C Low
193 Evening 16,353 527 Start High
194 Dating the Bible 16,352 527 C Low
195 Timeline of the 21st century 16,191 522 List High
196 Prime meridian (Greenwich) 16,172 521 C High
197 November 16,118 519 Start Mid
198 Daylight saving time in Australia 16,046 517 C Mid
199 2024 in the Philippines 16,012 516 List Low
200 New Year 16,000 516 C High
201 Year zero 15,896 512 B Low
202 Sha'ban 15,807 509 Start Low
203 Atlantic Time Zone 15,781 509 Start Low
204 Precision Time Protocol 15,736 507 C High
205 List of calendars 15,602 503 List Top
206 Canonical hours 15,570 502 C Low
207 Nanakshahi calendar 15,462 498 Start Low
208 Maya calendar 15,439 498 C Mid
209 Moscow Time 15,371 495 Start Low
210 ISO week date 15,191 490 C Mid
211 Noon 15,139 488 Start Low
212 UTC+08:00 15,122 487 Start Low
213 Academic term 15,034 484 Start Mid
214 Japanese calendar 15,017 484 C Mid
215 Axial precession 14,719 474 B Low
216 Eight-hour day 14,637 472 B Low
217 Almanac 14,621 471 C Low
218 Chicken or the egg 14,603 471 Start Low
219 Julian day 14,596 470 C Mid
220 The Dagda 14,457 466 C Low
221 Blue moon 14,422 465 C Mid
222 Muharram 14,399 464 C Low
223 Moveable feast 14,181 457 Start Low
224 Time in Germany 14,157 456 Start Low
225 Orders of magnitude (time) 14,047 453 C High
226 Permanent time observation in the United States 13,692 441 C Mid
227 Norns 13,663 440 B Low
228 Chronograph 13,643 440 B Low
229 Future 13,633 439 Start Top
230 Phantom time conspiracy theory 13,500 435 Start Low
231 Indian national calendar 13,415 432 Start Low
232 Dragon Boat Festival 13,394 432 C Mid
233 Mahakali 13,379 431 C Low
234 Night 13,353 430 C High
235 Time in Spain 13,302 429 B Low
236 Vespers 13,295 428 C Low
237 Date and time notation in the United States 13,219 426 Start Low
238 Time in Russia 13,162 424 C Low
239 Bengali calendars 13,035 420 C Mid
240 UTC−04:00 12,910 416 Start Low
241 Time perception 12,906 416 B High
242 Assyrian eclipse 12,889 415 Start Low
243 Timeline of Chinese history 12,864 414 List Top
244 List of time zone abbreviations 12,833 413 List Low
245 2nd millennium 12,765 411 List Low
246 Adar 12,746 411 C Low
247 UTC offset 12,590 406 Start Low
248 Tyche 12,551 404 C Low
249 Epoch 12,450 401 Start Low
250 Gravitational time dilation 12,289 396 C Low
251 Philippine Standard Time 12,198 393 C Low
252 Chronology of the Bible 12,186 393 C Low
253 Saros (astronomy) 11,935 385 B Mid
254 Time capsule 11,931 384 Start Mid
255 Adoption of the Gregorian calendar 11,878 383 Start Mid
256 Shawwal 11,817 381 Start Low
257 Hindu units of time 11,784 380 C Low
258 Eternalism (philosophy of time) 11,596 374 C High
259 UTC+14:00 11,518 371 Start Low
260 Time and fate deities 11,491 370 C Low
261 Solar calendar 11,411 368 Start High
262 Pendulum clock 11,403 367 B High
263 Daylight saving time in the Americas 11,272 363 List Low
264 4th millennium BC 11,174 360 List Low
265 Dendrochronology 11,162 360 B High
266 Millisecond 11,114 358 C Low
267 1st millennium BC 11,104 358 List Low
268 Indian summer 11,092 357 C Low
269 Eastern European Time 11,027 355 C Low
270 Radiometric dating 11,003 354 B High
271 Tropical year 10,915 352 B High
272 Holocene calendar 10,904 351 C Low
273 Jubilee (biblical) 10,785 347 B Low
274 Decade 10,745 346 C High
275 Epoch (astronomy) 10,713 345 C Low
276 Blue hour 10,636 343 Start Low
277 Egyptian calendar 10,620 342 B Low
278 Republic of China calendar 10,606 342 Start Low
279 Japan Standard Time 10,589 341 Start Mid
280 Sexagenary cycle 10,578 341 C Low
281 Timer 10,462 337 C Low
282 Microsecond 10,456 337 Start Low
283 Timeline of the 20th century 10,443 336 List High
284 Ab urbe condita 10,385 335 C Low
285 Timeline of HIV/AIDS 10,373 334 List Mid
286 2nd millennium BC 10,367 334 List Low
287 Kalachakra 10,352 333 B Mid
288 John Harrison 10,274 331 C High
289 Time formatting and storage bugs 10,227 329 B Low
290 3rd millennium BC 10,224 329 List Low
291 March 1944 10,216 329 List Low
292 Aeon (Thelema) 10,216 329 C Low
293 Timestamp 10,185 328 Start Low
294 Time in France 10,173 328 C Low
295 Royal Observatory, Greenwich 10,165 327 C Mid
296 Punjabi calendar 10,161 327 Start Low
297 Time in South Korea 10,156 327 Start Low
298 Prime time 10,153 327 C Low
299 Chronometry 10,111 326 B Top
300 Timeline of LGBT history 10,092 325 List Low
301 Lady Day 10,078 325 C Low
302 5th millennium BC 10,069 324 Start Mid
303 Dusk 10,056 324 C Mid
304 Aeon 10,017 323 Start Low
305 Hour 9,993 322 B Top
306 Marine chronometer 9,867 318 B High
307 Time loop 9,867 318 C Low
308 Yuga 9,796 316 Start Mid
309 Timeline 9,757 314 Start High
310 1st millennium 9,744 314 List Low
311 Tisha B'Av 9,670 311 B Low
312 Chronemics 9,606 309 C Low
313 Clock of the Long Now 9,603 309 C Low
314 Standard time 9,583 309 C High
315 Expiration date 9,565 308 C Low
316 Time in Indiana 9,548 308 B Low
317 Rule against perpetuities 9,503 306 Start Unknown
318 Universal Time 9,493 306 C Low
319 UTC−06:00 9,474 305 List Low
320 Aztec calendar 9,309 300 C Mid
321 Horae 9,288 299 C Low
322 Analemma 9,284 299 C Low
323 Tempus fugit 9,280 299 Stub Low
324 Dhu al-Hijja 9,247 298 Stub Low
325 Ananke 9,197 296 C Low
326 Intercalation (timekeeping) 9,140 294 Start Low
327 Midnight 9,078 292 Start Mid
328 Time in Mexico 9,040 291 Start Mid
329 Atropos 9,026 291 Start Low
330 Time in New Zealand 9,009 290 C Mid
331 Time and motion study 8,996 290 Start Low
332 September equinox 8,964 289 C Low
333 Galactic year 8,957 288 C Low
334 New chronology (Fomenko) 8,936 288 B Low
335 10th millennium BC 8,932 288 GA Mid
336 Doomsday rule 8,931 288 C Low
337 Alaska Time Zone 8,898 287 C Low
338 Calendar era 8,870 286 C Low
339 Longtaitou Festival 8,858 285 Start Low
340 Chronology 8,854 285 Start Top
341 Time in Brazil 8,773 283 List Mid
342 Father Time 8,680 280 C Low
343 Time value of money 8,665 279 B Mid
344 Time in the Republic of Ireland 8,606 277 B Low
345 Quartz crisis 8,599 277 Start Low
346 Eternity 8,548 275 Start Mid
347 Radium dial 8,545 275 C Mid
348 UTC+05:30 8,511 274 Stub High
349 East Asian age reckoning 8,398 270 Start Mid
350 Military time zone 8,395 270 List Mid
351 Linear time-invariant system 8,388 270 C Low
352 Metre (music) 8,288 267 C Low
353 Mesoamerican chronology 8,222 265 C Low
354 Daylight saving time in Mexico 8,190 264 Start Mid
355 Metonic cycle 8,176 263 C Low
356 Million years ago 8,173 263 Start Low
357 Solar time 8,142 262 Start Mid
358 Interregnum 8,103 261 B Low
359 UTC−07:00 8,062 260 List Low
360 Timeline of women's education 8,053 259 List Low
361 Manat (goddess) 8,052 259 C Low
362 Thirty Days Hath September 8,046 259 Start Low
363 Escapement 8,024 258 B Low
364 Radio clock 8,010 258 C Low
365 First 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency 7,971 257 Start Low
366 Buddhist calendar 7,900 254 B Low
367 Caesium standard 7,891 254 C High
368 Time in Portugal 7,888 254 C Mid
369 Morning 7,882 254 Start High
370 Equation of time 7,876 254 C Mid
371 Byzantine calendar 7,868 253 B Mid
372 April 1913 7,852 253 List Low
373 History of time in the United States 7,843 253 C Mid
374 UTC+05:00 7,834 252 C Low
375 Time in Indonesia 7,827 252 Start Low
376 Ritu (season) 7,823 252 Start Low
377 Malayalam calendar 7,811 251 Start Mid
378 Arrow of time 7,779 250 C High
379 Retrocausality 7,731 249 B Low
380 Stopwatch 7,730 249 Start Low
381 Shaka era 7,726 249 Stub Low
382 Clock tower 7,722 249 Start Mid
383 UTC−08:00 7,707 248 List High
384 Thai calendar 7,695 248 Start Low
385 Babylonian calendar 7,689 248 Start Low
386 Geological history of Earth 7,683 247 B Mid
387 UTC+07:00 7,666 247 C Low
388 Clotho 7,660 247 C Low
389 Decimal time 7,621 245 C Low
390 Analysis of daylight saving time 7,621 245 B Low
391 Songkran 7,599 245 C Low
392 Western European Time 7,586 244 C Mid
393 Time travel in fiction 7,571 244 C Mid
394 Minute 7,534 243 Start High
395 South African Standard Time 7,505 242 Start Low
396 Jitter 7,463 240 C High
397 Periodization 7,461 240 C High
398 General Roman Calendar 7,403 238 B Low
399 Ta'anit 7,357 237 C Low
400 Causality (physics) 7,325 236 C Low
401 Pocket watch 7,284 234 C High
402 Timeline of the 19th century 7,242 233 List High
403 Speaking clock 7,237 233 C Low
404 Coptic calendar 7,227 233 C Low
405 6th millennium BC 7,208 232 Start Mid
406 Timeline of the American Revolution 7,195 232 List Mid
407 Singapore Time 7,178 231 B Low
408 Phalguna 7,177 231 Stub Low
409 T-symmetry 7,176 231 B Low
410 Time in physics 7,148 230 B Top
411 Time in Kazakhstan 7,143 230 Stub Low
412 Grandfather clock 7,140 230 Start Mid
413 Date and time notation in the United Kingdom 7,106 229 C Low
414 Date and time notation in Thailand 7,105 229 Stub Low
415 Pralaya 7,065 227 Start Low
416 Igbo calendar 7,062 227 C Mid
417 Pirelli Calendar 7,052 227 Start Low
418 June solstice 7,048 227 Start Low
419 Dionysius Exiguus 7,021 226 B Mid
420 Juche calendar 7,020 226 Start Low
421 Astronomical clock 7,017 226 C High
422 Wyrd 7,015 226 C Low
423 Afternoon 6,990 225 GA High
424 Chaitra 6,963 224 Start Low
425 List of timelines 6,892 222 List Mid
426 Gnomon 6,844 220 Start Mid
427 Century leap year 6,828 220 Start Low
428 March 1924 6,802 219 List Low
429 Colored people's time 6,744 217 B Low
430 Nanosecond 6,676 215 Stub Low
431 International Atomic Time 6,665 215 C Top
432 Clock face 6,644 214 C Low
433 Swatch Internet Time 6,591 212 Start Low
434 Timelines of modern history 6,585 212 List High
435 Notice period 6,552 211 Stub Low
436 Chronometer watch 6,504 209 C Low
437 Cosmic Calendar 6,477 208 C Low
438 Zulu calendar 6,440 207 Start Mid
439 Arabic names of Gregorian months 6,440 207 Start Low
440 Reform of the date of Easter 6,392 206 C Low
441 Diptych 6,386 206 C Low
442 Paksha 6,376 205 Start Low
443 Tōxcatl 6,363 205 C Low
444 Grandfather paradox 6,303 203 NA NA
445 Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar 6,302 203 Start Low
446 UTC+04:00 6,297 203 Start Low
447 Synchronization 6,295 203 C High
448 Time-lapse photography 6,249 201 C Low
449 Tishrei 6,248 201 C Low
450 Justice delayed is justice denied 6,214 200 B Low
451 Time in Turkey 6,195 199 Start Low
452 Shmita 6,191 199 B High
453 Cuckoo clock 6,114 197 C Low
454 Assyrian calendar 6,098 196 Start High
455 Solar term 6,096 196 C High
456 Planetary hours 6,092 196 B Low
457 Timekeeping on Mars 6,075 195 C Low
458 Revised Julian calendar 6,062 195 C Mid
459 Calendar date 6,058 195 C Low
460 First sunrise 6,030 194 B Low
461 UTC−03:00 6,022 194 Start Mid
462 Timeline of post-classical history 5,997 193 List High
463 Heh (god) 5,994 193 C Low
464 Time in Europe 5,967 192 Start Mid
465 Mesoamerican Long Count calendar 5,940 191 C Low
466 Lachesis 5,935 191 Start Low
467 Lead time 5,933 191 C Low
468 Deep time 5,932 191 C Low
469 Era 5,920 190 C Low
470 Eclipse cycle 5,913 190 C Low
471 Qixi Festival 5,911 190 B Low
472 Keiō 5,911 190 Start Low
473 Pakistan Standard Time 5,905 190 Start Low
474 Thermidor 5,903 190 B Low
475 24/7 service 5,884 189 C Low
476 20th century BC 5,871 189 List Low
477 DCF77 5,859 189 C Low
478 Ship's bell 5,832 188 C Low
479 Proper time 5,806 187 C Low
480 Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone 5,795 186 Start Low
481 Breguet (brand) 5,779 186 Start Low
482 Eclipse season 5,771 186 Start Low
483 Zoroastrian calendar 5,709 184 C Low
484 Time immemorial 5,696 183 C Low
485 Special Shabbat 5,622 181 C Low
486 Daylight saving time in Asia 5,596 180 C Low
487 Greenwich Time Signal 5,584 180 Start Low
488 8th millennium BC 5,564 179 Start Mid
489 Corpus Clock 5,498 177 C Low
490 Chronology of the ancient Near East 5,493 177 B High
491 Earthly Branches 5,475 176 Start Low
492 Baháʼí calendar 5,454 175 Start Low
493 Seconds pendulum 5,449 175 B Low
494 Timeline of transgender history 5,423 174 List Low
495 7th millennium BC 5,382 173 Start Mid
496 Shravana (month) 5,333 172 C Low
497 Punctuality 5,315 171 Start Top
498 Sidereal year 5,287 170 Start Low
499 Time in Malaysia 5,279 170 Start Low
500 Philosophy of space and time 5,269 169 C Top
501 Date and time representation by country 5,259 169 Start Mid
502 Heavenly Stems 5,249 169 C Low
503 Korean calendar 5,247 169 Start Mid
504 Takt time 5,237 168 Start Low
505 UTC+09:00 5,229 168 Start Low
506 Picosecond 5,180 167 Stub Low
507 Jiffy (time) 5,172 166 Start Mid
508 9th millennium BC 5,162 166 GA Low
509 WWVB 5,160 166 B Mid
510 Anywhere on Earth 5,122 165 Start Low
511 Kāla 5,098 164 Start Mid
512 Daytime 5,096 164 C Low
513 Date-time group 5,077 163 Stub Low
514 Chronotype 5,047 162 B Low
515 Time in Thailand 5,045 162 Start Low
516 UTC−12:00 5,037 162 Start Low
517 Yoruba calendar 5,034 162 C Low
518 Calendar reform 5,021 161 C Low
519 Floruit 4,992 161 Start Mid
520 Time in Pakistan 4,958 159 Start Low
521 Quarter days 4,950 159 Start Low
522 Determination of the day of the week 4,943 159 Start Low
523 Time in the Netherlands 4,928 158 Stub Low
524 Israel Standard Time 4,901 158 Start Low
525 Christianity in the ante-Nicene period 4,836 156 C Low
526 List of time capsules 4,836 156 List Low
527 WWV (radio station) 4,829 155 Unknown Mid
528 Time in the United Arab Emirates 4,816 155 Stub Low
529 Time in Poland 4,810 155 C Low
530 Calendar of saints (Church of England) 4,804 154 C Low
531 4–4–5 calendar 4,800 154 Stub Low
532 Attic calendar 4,798 154 Unknown Low
533 Blackberry winter 4,781 154 Start Low
534 Watchmaker 4,780 154 Start Mid
535 Tithi 4,775 154 Start Low
536 Horology 4,740 152 NA High
537 Date and time notation in Japan 4,724 152 Start Low
538 Turkish months 4,668 150 Start Low
539 System time 4,647 149 List Mid
540 Today 4,627 149 Disambig Mid
541 Timeline of the 18th century 4,623 149 List Low
542 Counting of the Omer 4,595 148 C Low
543 Irish calendar 4,584 147 Start Low
544 2nd century 4,556 146 List Low
545 Egyptian chronology 4,541 146 Start Low
546 Great Year 4,508 145 C Low
547 Timeline of natural history 4,503 145 List High
548 UTC+10:00 4,503 145 List Low
549 Helladic chronology 4,491 144 B High
550 March 1945 4,488 144 List Low
551 The One Minute Manager 4,483 144 Start Low
552 Countdown 4,474 144 C Low
553 Timeline of architectural styles 4,463 143 B Low
554 Coincidence 4,441 143 Start Mid
555 William Willett 4,425 142 Start Low
556 Chess clock 4,422 142 C Low
557 Perpetual calendar 4,417 142 Start Mid
558 13th millennium BC 4,378 141 C Low
559 Samoa Time Zone 4,370 140 Start Mid
560 Digital clock 4,335 139 C High
561 5th century BC 4,329 139 List Low
562 Metric time 4,327 139 C Low
563 Femtosecond 4,315 139 Start Low
564 Attosecond 4,290 138 C Mid
565 Timeline of social nudity 4,287 138 List Unknown
566 Terminator (solar) 4,245 136 C Low
567 6th century BC 4,238 136 List Low
568 Ancient Greek calendars 4,235 136 C Low
569 Lunar day 4,235 136 Stub Low
570 Timelines of the future 4,211 135 List High
571 UTC+11:00 4,189 135 List Low
572 Celtic calendar 4,186 135 Start Mid
573 Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 4,179 134 GA Low
574 Lag BaOmer 4,177 134 B Mid
575 Time in Finland 4,146 133 FA Low
576 Early Germanic calendars 4,146 133 C Low
577 Growing block universe 4,138 133 C Low
578 Geochronology 4,128 133 C Top
579 Parcae 4,102 132 C Low
580 20th century in literature 4,085 131 List Low
581 UTC+08:45 4,080 131 Start Low
582 Nepal Sambat 4,064 131 C Low
583 30th century BC 4,063 131 List Low
584 Slavic calendar 4,028 129 C Low
585 Tipler cylinder 4,026 129 C Low
586 Date and time notation in Europe 3,997 128 Unknown Unknown
587 Segal's law 3,994 128 Start Low
588 UTC+06:00 3,986 128 Start Low
589 Sivan 3,976 128 Start Low
590 Time in Sweden 3,974 128 Stub Low
591 Rosh Chodesh 3,944 127 B Low
592 Year of Sorrow 3,934 126 C Low
593 Dhu al-Qadah 3,929 126 Stub Low
594 June 6 3,926 126 B Mid
595 Time in Antarctica 3,920 126 Start Mid
596 Rabi' al-Awwal 3,919 126 Start Low
597 4th century BC 3,915 126 List Low
598 CalDAV 3,905 125 C Low
599 1988–89 in English football 3,902 125 List Low
600 Clock synchronization 3,865 124 C Top
601 3rd century BC 3,864 124 List Low
602 Estimated time of arrival 3,827 123 Start Low
603 Soviet calendar 3,810 122 B Mid
604 Lauds 3,809 122 C Low
605 Time in Nigeria 3,807 122 C Low
606 UTC+12:00 3,805 122 Start Low
607 Discordian calendar 3,803 122 C Mid
608 Military designation of days and hours 3,793 122 C Low
609 Balance wheel 3,773 121 C Mid
610 UTC+03:30 3,761 121 Stub Low
611 Present 3,760 121 C Top
612 Absolute space and time 3,759 121 C Low
613 Past 3,750 120 B Top
614 Diving watch 3,729 120 C Low
615 Rajab 3,728 120 Start Low
616 Digital dark age 3,709 119 Start Low
617 Time standard 3,707 119 C Top
618 List of Islamic years 3,683 118 List Low
619 Iyar 3,682 118 C Low
620 1000s BC (decade) 3,670 118 Start Mid
621 Rate (mathematics) 3,641 117 Start Low
622 Traditional Chinese timekeeping 3,640 117 C Top
623 GPS week number rollover 3,624 116 Start Mid
624 Time in Romania 3,614 116 Stub Low
625 B-theory of time 3,613 116 B Mid
626 Time in Chile 3,613 116 C Low
627 21st century BC 3,609 116 List Low
628 Lamport timestamp 3,607 116 C Low
629 COSC 3,594 115 C Low
630 Chronology of Provisional Irish Republican Army actions (1970–1979) 3,592 115 B Low
631 History of sundials 3,585 115 Start Mid
632 11th millennium BC 3,557 114 C Mid
633 World Calendar 3,547 114 C Low
634 Anna Perenna 3,542 114 Start Low
635 Eastern European Summer Time 3,535 114 Start Mid
636 Thai solar calendar 3,533 113 Start Low
637 Multiple time dimensions 3,527 113 C Low
638 Time in Argentina 3,522 113 Start Low
639 Six Ages of the World 3,515 113 C Low
640 Vaisakha 3,509 113 Stub Low
641 Proleptic Gregorian calendar 3,504 113 C Low
642 Complication (horology) 3,503 113 C Low
643 April 1945 3,502 112 List Low
644 UTC+13:00 3,501 112 Start Low
645 Tu BiShvat 3,465 111 C Low
646 Wheel of time 3,432 110 C High
647 February 25 3,428 110 B Mid
648 Hanke–Henry Permanent Calendar 3,426 110 C Mid
649 Roman timekeeping 3,424 110 C Mid
650 Equinox (celestial coordinates) 3,420 110 Start Mid
651 Time in Ethiopia 3,417 110 Start Low
652 Double Ninth Festival 3,412 110 C Low
653 Uranium–lead dating 3,411 110 Start Low
654 Ante Christum natum 3,401 109 Start Low
655 Chronotope 3,377 108 Start Low
656 Javanese calendar 3,370 108 Start Mid
657 Aviv 3,361 108 C Low
658 2nd century BC 3,357 108 List Low
659 12th millennium BC 3,348 108 C Mid
660 Marian feast days 3,335 107 List Low
661 West Africa Time 3,335 107 Stub Low
662 The Big Idea (museum) 3,330 107 Start Low
663 The Reckoning of Time 3,304 106 C High
664 Dís 3,302 106 B Low
665 Time in Hawaii 3,260 105 Start Low
666 Kurdish calendar 3,256 105 Start Low
667 Knuckle mnemonic 3,254 104 Start Low
668 December solstice 3,213 103 Start Low
669 Julian year (astronomy) 3,207 103 C Mid
670 Heliacal rising 3,195 103 C Low
671 Old Calendarists 3,193 103 C Low
672 Chamorro Time Zone 3,188 102 Start Low
673 Time in Saskatchewan 3,176 102 C Low
674 2024 in New Zealand 3,165 102 List Low
675 Mainspring 3,163 102 B Low
676 Burmese calendar 3,157 101 B Mid
677 Time in Taiwan 3,139 101 Start Mid
678 Hong Kong Time 3,120 100 Start Low
679 Chunfen 3,110 100 Start Low
680 Twosday 3,104 100 C Low
681 Vector clock 3,088 99 C Low
682 Chronobiology 3,086 99 Start Low
683 Absolute dating 3,086 99 C High
684 2002 renaming of Turkmen months and days of week 3,074 99 Stub Low
685 Jingzhe 3,057 98 Start Low
686 Kislev 3,045 98 C Low
687 The Calendar of the Church Year 3,035 97 Start Low
688 Armenian calendar 3,015 97 Start Low
689 Time in Belgium 3,006 96 Stub Low
690 Egeria (mythology) 3,002 96 C Low
691 April 1954 2,985 96 List Low
692 32nd century BC 2,960 95 List Low
693 Fasli calendar 2,942 94 Start Low
694 Svedberg 2,932 94 Start Low
695 July 14 2,931 94 C Mid
696 Nicolas Hayek 2,931 94 Start Low
697 Great Acceleration 2,913 93 Start Mid
698 UTC−01:00 2,907 93 Stub Low
699 Quality time 2,905 93 Start Low
700 List of largest clock faces 2,904 93 List Mid
701 Daylight saving time in Egypt 2,880 92 Start Low
702 Movement (clockwork) 2,875 92 C Low
703 Verge escapement 2,875 92 C Mid
704 7th century BC 2,874 92 List Low
705 Time in Greece 2,867 92 Stub Low
706 End time 2,865 92 Disambig NA
707 Nude calendar 2,858 92 C Low
708 Balinese saka calendar 2,854 92 Start Low
709 New Chronology (Rohl) 2,852 92 C Low
710 Chronology protection conjecture 2,851 91 C Low
711 Local mean time 2,834 91 Start Mid
712 Magha (month) 2,830 91 Stub Mid
713 Chronon 2,817 90 Start Mid
714 Time (disambiguation) 2,809 90 Disambig NA
715 Time slip 2,797 90 Start Low
716 Zeller's congruence 2,788 89 Start Low
717 25th century BC 2,783 89 List Low
718 Chinese calendar correspondence table 2,779 89 List Low
719 Time in Ukraine 2,772 89 Start Low
720 Jewel bearing 2,767 89 C Low
721 Dawn deities 2,766 89 Stub Low
722 Common year 2,749 88 Start Low
723 Sri Lanka Standard Time 2,732 88 Start Low
724 1997 in hip hop music 2,707 87 List Low
725 Time in North Korea 2,697 87 C Low
726 September 14 2,694 86 C Low
727 Terrestrial Time 2,677 86 C Mid
728 Days of week on Hebrew calendar 2,666 86 Unknown Unknown
729 Era of the Martyrs 2,662 85 Start Mid
730 UTC−10:00 2,646 85 Stub Low
731 Timeline of architecture 2,638 85 List Low
732 Television timeout 2,627 84 Start Low
733 Regnal year 2,624 84 C Low
734 Journeyman (TV series) 2,621 84 C Low
735 Chronophotography 2,599 83 Start Mid
736 November 1963 2,598 83 List Low
737 Tamil units of measurement 2,596 83 List Low
738 February 12 2,590 83 C Low
739 Clock drift 2,583 83 C High
740 Bya 2,581 83 Stub Low
741 Saeculum 2,572 82 Start Low
742 Striking clock 2,572 82 C Mid
743 Tibetan calendar 2,568 82 C Low
744 Ephemeris time 2,556 82 B High
745 Time in the Danish Realm 2,536 81 Start Low
746 Timeline of science fiction 2,516 81 List Low
747 Safar 2,511 81 Stub Low
748 Break (work) 2,499 80 C Low
749 Time clock 2,491 80 Start Low
750 Brumaire 2,479 79 Stub Low
751 Ordinal date 2,471 79 C Low
752 Coligny calendar 2,467 79 C Low
753 Bell & Ross 2,460 79 Start Low
754 ΔT (timekeeping) 2,450 79 C Low
755 K–Ar dating 2,448 78 B High
756 Atmos clock 2,435 78 Start Low
757 Relative dating 2,430 78 C High
758 Common year starting on Monday 2,428 78 List Low
759 Zeitgeber 2,423 78 Start Low
760 Time in Alaska 2,417 77 Start Low
761 Conversion between Julian and Gregorian calendars 2,415 77 Start Mid
762 Anno Lucis 2,411 77 Start Low
763 Berber calendar 2,407 77 Start Low
764 Time for Timer 2,394 77 Start Low
765 Iran Standard Time 2,380 76 Start Low
766 Royal stars 2,372 76 Stub Low
767 Geras 2,371 76 Stub Low
768 Farvardin 2,368 76 Start Low
769 2024 in LGBT rights 2,365 76 List Low
770 Time ball 2,365 76 C Low
771 IRIG timecode 2,365 76 C High
772 Dominical letter 2,362 76 C Low
773 Relaxation (physics) 2,362 76 C Low
774 Golden hat 2,355 75 C Low
775 December 13 2,354 75 Start Mid
776 Philosophical presentism 2,351 75 C Low
777 Chet (month) 2,340 75 Stub Low
778 Pitch clock 2,331 75 Start Low
779 UTC−11:00 2,326 75 Start Low
780 Tzolkʼin 2,312 74 C Low
781 January 10 2,306 74 C Low
782 Overtime 2,304 74 Start Mid
783 Yekatit 12 2,295 74 C Low
784 December 1941 2,292 73 List Low
785 Phasor measurement unit 2,292 73 Start Mid
786 Georgian calendar 2,274 73 Start Low
787 Time-based currency 2,270 73 B Low
788 George Daniels (watchmaker) 2,270 73 Start Low
789 Time in Norway 2,264 73 Start Low
790 Simon Newcomb 2,264 73 C Mid
791 Quranic timeline 2,259 72 List Low
792 Tabular Islamic calendar 2,252 72 C Low
793 31st century BC 2,245 72 List Low
794 Saints in Anglicanism 2,241 72 C Low
795 Yom 2,238 72 B Unknown
796 Verðandi 2,211 71 B Low
797 UTC−02:00 2,203 71 List Low
798 Time signal 2,198 70 B Mid
799 Spring Drive 2,197 70 C Low
800 Egg timer 2,195 70 Start Low
801 September 1939 2,193 70 List Low
802 Elul 2,187 70 Start Low
803 Civil time 2,175 70 Start Mid
804 Vertumnus 2,170 70 C Low
805 Astronomical year numbering 2,167 69 B High
806 27th century BC 2,149 69 List Low
807 Dark moon 2,149 69 Stub Low
808 Liturgical calendar (Lutheran) 2,140 69 GA Low
809 Detailed logarithmic timeline 2,134 68 B Low
810 Event (philosophy) 2,131 68 Start Mid
811 Eco-Drive 2,130 68 C Low
812 Standard Time Act 2,129 68 Stub Mid
813 Abolition of time zones 2,116 68 Start Low
814 Inter gravissimas 2,112 68 C Low
815 Central Africa Time 2,110 68 Stub Low
816 Time-traveler UFO hypothesis 2,107 67 Start Low
817 Christopher Clavius 2,099 67 C Low
818 Flextime 2,097 67 Start Mid
819 Tinia 2,092 67 Stub Low
820 Daylight saving time in Morocco 2,087 67 C Low
821 Japanese clock 2,085 67 B Low
822 Anchor escapement 2,082 67 B High
823 Falgun 2,078 67 Start Low
824 24th century BC 2,070 66 List Low
825 Jumada al-Thani 2,068 66 Stub Low
826 Cover date 2,060 66 Start Low
827 Speedy trial 2,057 66 Start Low
828 Order in which countries enter the new year 2,042 65 List Low
829 Western European Summer Time 2,042 65 C Mid
830 9th century BC 2,040 65 List Low
831 Torsion pendulum clock 2,039 65 Start Mid
832 Ashvin (month) 2,036 65 Start Low
833 Time in Costa Rica 2,032 65 Stub Low
834 Rotation period (astronomy) 2,028 65 C Low
835 Event 2,021 65 Disambig NA
836 Genji era 2,020 65 Start Low
837 Terce 2,016 65 C Low
838 Time Machine 2,015 65 Disambig NA
839 24-hour analog dial 2,014 64 C Low
840 March 1964 2,012 64 List Low
841 Coaxial escapement 2,002 64 B Low
842 List of objects dropped on New Year's Eve 2,000 64 List Low
843 Timeline of LGBT history, 20th century 1,998 64 List Low
844 22nd century BC 1,983 63 List Low
845 Calendar of saints (Lutheran) 1,974 63 B Low
846 African time 1,973 63 Start Low
847 Time in Puerto Rico 1,965 63 Stub Low
848 Time in Vietnam 1,961 63 Start Low
849 Timecode 1,959 63 Start Mid
850 26th century BC 1,953 63 List Low
851 Darian calendar 1,953 63 Start Low
852 Candle clock 1,944 62 Start Low
853 Balance spring 1,943 62 C Low
854 Timeline of hydrogen technologies 1,942 62 List Low
855 Jumada al-Awwal 1,938 62 Stub Low
856 Automatic quartz 1,936 62 C Low
857 Shevat 1,935 62 C Low
858 Enoch calendar 1,928 62 Start Low
859 Nones (liturgy) 1,924 62 C Low
860 Work measurement 1,923 62 C Low
861 Temporality 1,922 62 Start Low
862 Time from NPL (MSF) 1,920 61 B Mid
863 Adhika-masa 1,919 61 B Mid
864 Su Song 1,910 61 GA High
865 List of sundial mottos 1,906 61 List Mid
866 Time in Iceland 1,904 61 Start Low
867 Eternal youth 1,900 61 Start Mid
868 Rumi calendar 1,896 61 C Low
869 Hyperlapse 1,892 61 Stub Low
870 Vṛṣabha 1,891 61 C Low
871 Docket (court) 1,888 60 Start Low
872 List of time offsets by U.S. state and territory 1,883 60 List Low
873 Cheshvan 1,882 60 C Low
874 Time in Idaho 1,878 60 Start Low
875 Real Time (art series) 1,875 60 Stub Low
876 Chinese era name 1,874 60 C Low
877 Moment (unit) 1,874 60 Start Mid
878 May 1945 1,870 60 List Low
879 Kārtika (month) 1,861 60 Start Low
880 Missing years (Jewish calendar) 1,859 59 B Low
881 Radium Dial Company 1,854 59 Start Low
882 Vohu Manah 1,854 59 Start Low
883 Jyeshtha (month) 1,852 59 Start Low
884 Eight-day week 1,845 59 Start Low
885 Fast of the Firstborn 1,837 59 B Low
886 Daylight saving time in Brazil 1,833 59 Start Mid
887 360-day calendar 1,832 59 Start Mid
888 Lords of the Night 1,822 58 Start Low
889 Nautical time 1,817 58 C Low
890 Time in Africa 1,804 58 List Low
891 Sext 1,803 58 C Low
892 Time in Italy 1,798 58 Stub Low
893 Clockmaker 1,798 58 Start Mid
894 Lichun 1,797 57 Start Low
895 Synchronous Ethernet 1,783 57 C Mid
896 ASEAN Common Time 1,782 57 Start Mid
897 Electric clock 1,782 57 C Low
898 Economic calendar 1,778 57 C Low
899 Time in the Czech Republic 1,776 57 Stub Low
900 July 29 1,776 57 List Unknown
901 Keichō 1,773 57 Start Low
902 General Roman Calendar of 1954 1,770 57 Start Low
903 33rd century BC 1,762 56 List Low
904 The Order of Time (book) 1,760 56 Stub Low
905 Four-dimensionalism 1,759 56 C Low
906 August 1945 1,759 56 List Low
907 Time in Kiribati 1,758 56 C Low
908 Long weekend 1,757 56 Start Low
909 Time in Bulgaria 1,754 56 Stub Low
910 Binary clock 1,748 56 Start Low
911 Runic calendar 1,747 56 C Low
912 Thai lunar calendar 1,747 56 Start Low
913 Timeline of LGBT history, 21st century 1,743 56 List Low
914 Mengenlehreuhr 1,742 56 Start Low
915 Timex Datalink 1,739 56 B Low
916 Kaliningrad Time 1,737 56 Stub Mid
917 Joseph Justus Scaliger 1,735 55 B High
918 Ashadha 1,732 55 Start Low
919 Ianuarius 1,725 55 C Low
920 Xhosa calendar 1,723 55 Stub Low
921 CHU (radio station) 1,703 54 Start Low
922 Repeater (horology) 1,699 54 C Low
923 Yekaterinburg Time 1,699 54 Stub Low
924 Timeline of London 1,697 54 List Unknown
925 White Rabbit Project 1,696 54 C Mid
926 Bhadra (Hindu calendar) 1,693 54 Start Low
927 UTC−09:00 1,691 54 List Low
928 Graphical timeline of the Big Bang 1,691 54 Start Low
929 Timesheet 1,687 54 Start Mid
930 Rubidium standard 1,686 54 Start Mid
931 Genroku 1,679 54 Start Mid
932 Sotho calendar 1,668 53 C Low
933 Quintilis 1,667 53 Start Low
934 Intercalary month (Egypt) 1,651 53 B Low
935 Gezer calendar 1,645 53 C Low
936 Time domain 1,639 52 Start Mid
937 Response time (technology) 1,638 52 Start Low
938 Rabi' al-Thani 1,628 52 Stub Low
939 Time in Austria 1,625 52 Start Low
940 UTC+05:45 1,621 52 Stub Low
941 Day length fluctuations 1,618 52 C High
942 23rd century BC 1,616 52 List Low
943 Mesoamerican calendars 1,614 52 C High
944 Fusee (horology) 1,606 51 C Low
945 International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service 1,601 51 Start Mid
946 Isochronous timing 1,596 51 Start Low
947 Av (month) 1,593 51 C Low
948 Time limit 1,589 51 Start Top
949 Perdurantism 1,588 51 C Low
950 Ruth Belville 1,588 51 Start Mid
951 Prime (liturgy) 1,587 51 C Low
952 Major Occultation 1,583 51 B Low
953 1697 CE 1,569 50 NA NA
954 Fully automatic time 1,567 50 Start Low
955 Tōnalpōhualli 1,565 50 C Low
956 Carmenta 1,564 50 Start Low
957 Swedish calendar 1,556 50 Start Low
958 Business hours 1,547 49 Start Low
959 Ajaw 1,547 49 Start Low
960 A series and B series 1,547 49 Start Low
961 Solstice Cyclists 1,545 49 C Low
962 Timeline of Scottish history 1,545 49 List Low
963 Swiss railway clock 1,542 49 Start Low
964 Yennayer 1,539 49 Start Low
965 Seleucid era 1,533 49 Start Low
966 Mya (unit) 1,524 49 NA Mid
967 Capitalocene 1,522 49 C Mid
968 General Roman Calendar of 1960 1,520 49 Start Low
969 Cosmic time 1,519 49 Start Low
970 UTC+09:30 1,514 48 Stub Low
971 Season of the Harvest 1,510 48 Start Low
972 Seventeenth of Tammuz 1,499 48 C Low
973 Date and time notation in Asia 1,491 48 C Low
974 South and Southeast Asian solar New Year 1,489 48 Start Low
975 Kit-Cat Klock 1,487 47 Start Low
976 March 1942 1,483 47 List Low
977 29th century BC 1,481 47 List Low
978 Epact 1,480 47 C Low
979 Selichot 1,475 47 B Low
980 Tevet 1,468 47 C Low
981 Lever escapement 1,465 47 C Low
982 Jestha (Nepali calendar) 1,465 47 Stub Low
983 Elapsed real time 1,459 47 Start Low
984 Daylight saving time in Turkey 1,450 46 Start Low
985 NIST-F1 1,444 46 Start Mid
986 Sothic cycle 1,441 46 C Low
987 March 1940 1,436 46 List Low
988 Window of opportunity 1,436 46 Start Low
989 1960s in LGBT rights 1,432 46 List Low
990 March 1943 1,425 45 List Low
991 Qingming (solar term) 1,424 45 Start Low
992 Memory of Mankind 1,422 45 Start Low
993 28th century BC 1,419 45 List Low
994 Lustrum 1,416 45 Start Low
995 August 1947 1,412 45 List Low
996 Chip-scale atomic clock 1,411 45 C High
997 UTC+06:30 1,402 45 Stub Low
998 Italian six-hour clock 1,398 45 Stub Low
999 Warren Field 1,397 45 Start Low
1000 Leap week calendar 1,397 45 Start Low
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