User:Titanica 777

Titanica 777

Is a user to edit and read pages on heavy metal, hard rock, among others

 The truth is the only thing ago

Favorite Genres

These are genres that I like to listen, and some bands that I edit.

Among others.

Religion and creensias

I am a Christian at heart believe in God because the universe could not aber created without the divine spark, but also believe in science and life on other planets to the same church and aseptic ai aliens. The biggest mistake of all humans is to criticize God for the huge church herrores of an occurred over time as the Inquisition, the Crusades, and so on. or seeing God as the church itself, though this is something wrong , we also believe that satan lurks so I'm next to God for not losing to Saint Death is a satanic symbol of drug dealers and murderers.

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