User:Sloth monkey

L _ N _ U:SM / Tm / Ti / SO / C _ A:RK / A:FOL / A:J _ UT:SM / 1 / 2 / 3 || U:WJ _ UT:WJ || FOL _ T:FOL _ FOL:H

mark of the monkey
mark of the monkey
the sloth_monkey
the sloth_monkey


Read this and thou shalt be wiser.

Concise bio

I would consider myself to be a philomath and an automath. Intellectual development is an important part of my life. I have always had a very active mind and am constantly in the pursuit of knowledge. I am interested in many things, ranging from social interaction to independent academic studies or philosophical contemplation. I've made my share of mistakes, but overall I consider my general attitude towards life to be rather ambitious and particularly optimistic. I am, however, slow and thorough (a perfectionist even) in dealing with most activities, and so paired with a never-ending desire to accomplish things, I continuously find myself running out of time. I have always been unusually independent in my thoughts and actions and so I could be regarded as a non-conformist, but not simply for the sake of being different, as is the case with an anti-conformist. I would say I am very open-minded and as a result I often find myself faced with indecision. Consequently, I am Agnostic, meaning I do not currently believe I have gathered enough evidence to form solid religious beliefs; however, I am willing to consider anything. I value love and happiness. I'm a big health nut. I support the environment. I'm American. I'm white and nerdy; and I edit Wikipedia. Check out my theme song.

If interested, take a look at my profiles elsewhere. They're very different from what's seen here.

  • - See my taste in movies and actors.

Some of my interests

If you want to know me, then you should know some things that are important to me. Here's a list, roughly in order of what I value most.

Primary interests

Secondary interests

File:South Park -Keith-.jpg


Read more about me and all my astounding glory at the below links.

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