
Sara Carlson is a living dancer, singer and song writer. She influenced a generation of post disco dance in Italy, appearing in n some of the most emmorable dances of era, appearing on the vareity show Al Paradise, which was the #1 TV spot while running on RaiUno.

She lives in New York, NY today.

Carlson appeared as principal dancer in large dance productions and sometimes sang.

  • Fly Away to Paradise, a piece on Al Paradise 1984 - Carlson sings and dances the intro of Italian saturday night show "AL PARADISE", by Antonello Falqui and Michele Guardì. This piece included an enormous cast, crabmen, Carlson performs classical and modern dance with movements that visually seem ironic as well as impossible.
  • In 1991 she performed the opening ceremony to the Euro Vision Music Contest, The music was written by Carlson in colaboration with Matteo Bonsanto, Marco Sabiu, M. Guarnerio. The intent was to mix old and new, given the location of the contest in Ancient Rome. The music video was performed at the ruins of Tivoli. It also featured Glen White. 7 million Italians tuned in to watch. Carlson had already become famous in Italy.
  • Stephane Grappelli Jazz Violinist performed Sweet Georgia Brown RAI UNO as Sara Carlson danced jazz style with her own usual unique qualties. Directed by Antonello Falqui, Choreography by Don Lurio, costumes by Corrado Colabucci.
  • Flashdance Maniac with Sara Carlson on "Al Paradise" Directed by Antonello Falqui/Michele Assaf. It's cult like following refers to this dance as the "Wall Dance"
  • Doug Graham and Carlson perform a mock "Tango Contest" on Italian TV with Milva in 1983.
  • Sara Carlson dancing to rare film of The Rolling Stones , featuring Doug Graham & Steve Harding was Directed by Antonello Falqui and Choreography by Don Lurio
  • "America" Sara Carlson, Doug Graham and Stephen Harding dance sung by Milva in Italian on "Al Paradise" in 1983
  • "Art Of Noise" song with Carlson dancing "Warrioress Dance" Directed by Antonello Falqui featuring Doug Graham & Mario. Directed by Antonello Falqui, Choreography by Don Lurio, Costumes by Corrado Colabucci was one of her most strenous dance performances with edge breaking music.
  • Cowgirl Dance included a western theme and a large cast on Al Paradise in 1984
  • Secrets Of Love, appeared on Rai-Due, Chi Tiriamo In Ballo, closing credits, 80s glam rock dance in front of Saturday Fever film clips, she did a disco dance performance with Douglas Graham, Steve Harding
  • T. Rex song "Get it On" covered by The Power Station, featured Carlson dancing in silhouette on their music video released May 23, 1985, similar to Harry Shum Jr. in the famous iPod commercial.
  • Her most recent recorded dance is "Rising To Divinity" and will appear on her upcoming CD, "HeartDance", Published by Think Love (ASCAP) An S & S Studios Production.

She appeared, small roles in three movies as a dancer.

Her latest CD "DOORWAYS" received a glowing review from Billboard Magazine. "An irresistible collection of tunes that wash over the mind like a cool breeze,her songs are like mini-movies,richly detailed and empathetic" says BILLBOARD MAGAZINE, wrote Larry Flick in 2005, Genre: Rock: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock

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