
This Patrick Fisher is a 31 year old web developer in the Los Angeles area. He studied computer engineering and computer science at USC, worked as a civil engineer and systems analyst in corporate IT, then went back to USC for Law School. While he gained an understanding of and respect for our country's legal system, he also learned that he'd rather drink Mountain Dew and write code all night.

It Ain't What You Don't Know That Gets You In Trouble,

Wiki Links


Vector Icons


It's What You Know For Sure, That Ain't So.



  • Funny edit: Suicide by fan
  • Cool edit: improving the Five Pillars of Wikipedia
    • Replaced "Wikipedia follows the writers' rules of engagement" with "Wikipedia has a code of conduct".
  • Hanlon's Razor
  • I believe I was the first to add "Please help improve this article" to the cleanup templates.

Good Wikipedians

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