User:Jesse Jaimes/user boxes

This user Prays to the God that Jesus identified as "The Only True God"
Gutenberg Bible owned by the US Library of CongressThis user is a Bible reader.
Mensa is a Spanish word meaning Stupid (this user loves irony)
This user drinks Hefeweizen
This user is a Badfinger fan.
This user tunes in to Alice Coopers radio show on 93.3 KDKB. KDKB Rocks Arizona.
This User digs Userboxes.
This user Loves but has never been to Argentina.

' This user is interested in
ancient Israel.
This user eats Cheese.
This user is a Biohazard.
This user is a reformed smoker.
This user thinks the Super Bowl should be played in "Pink Taco Stadium".
This user vacations on Earth.
This user is a pirate.
This user is on a coffee break.
This user would like to give peace a chance.
This user wants telemarketing to end.
This user does not mind being referred to as a cracker.
This user self identifies as a Dork.
This user thinks that art imitates life and vice versa.
This user has never eaten an entire mammoth.
This user appreciates censorship.
This wikipedian is also a You Tuber.
This user makes his own mead
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