User:Dr.Hollis/ is a post rock ambient experimental artist who create music inspired by the works of Brian Eno and the natural artist Andy Goldsworthy. There is no studio work as such, the works are recorded on location in woods, abandoned buildings and outdoor spaces all over the world using tape based 4 track.

Inspired by the ambient movement started in the 1960's, the artist beleives that the split between art and science that occured during the reductionist period that marked the begining of modern science at the start of the industrial revolution deminished both art and science.

The artist beleives that the unique quantum state that exists in a time and a place can be recorded and is seen in the emergent properties of the resulting sounds. He cites the properties of reletavistic metals and the work of Xiao that show actual physical deflection of nano wire gold filaments by the reletavistic properties as proof that the quantum word has a tangible effect on the material word in macro scale events.



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