Draft:Christmas Leonard

Christmas Leonard is a fan made Character based off of the Character "Leonard Hofstadter" from Sitcom series "The Big Bang Theory", Christmas Leonard is a Character made up by the minds from the discord server "Funny Tm", he was created as a joke character to combat the previously introduced "Christmas Sheldon", who was Sheldon but with Christmas attire, Christmas Leonard differs from the pre-existing Leonard due to his differing personality, as while Leonard is a kind, nerdy man with a sense of ego in the middle, Christmas Leonard is a mean-spirited, crude-humoured bully, who only seeks to bring harm to Christmas Sheldon by any means possible, be it mocking him by suggesting his Mother (Mary Cooper) and Grandmother (Constance "Connie" Tucker) have had explicit interactions with Christmas Leonard, or threatening Christmas Sheldon with violence (threatning to shoot him or "break his little boy-legs like twigs").



"Sheldon you fat bastard" -Christmas Leonard.

"I'll bend you little boy-legs like twigs you rat cunt" -Christmas Leonard.

"¡ODIO a Sheldon Cooper, preferiría ver fútbol, fútbol y fútbol! Soy un gran fanático del deporte conocido como "Fútbol", ya ves, ¡amo a Messi, Ronaldo y a todos los jugadores de fútbol! Yo, Christmas Leonard amo el fútbol con todo mi corazón alegre y ODIO la Navidad Sheldon, ¡Odio, Odio, ODIO!" -Christmas Leonard.

The Big Bang Theory

  1. ^ 1. The Big Bang Theory
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