1810 in rail transport

Years in rail transport
Timeline of railway history

This article lists events related to rail transport that occurred in 1810.


May events

Unknown date events

  • The Leiper Railroad connecting Crum Creek to Ridley Creek, Pennsylvania opens.


January births

April births

June births

July births

  • July 27 – H. H. Hunnewell, director for Illinois Central Railroad 1862-1871, president of Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad, president of Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern Railroad, is born (died 1902).

September births

Unknown date births



  1. ^ Davis, J. J. (February 1959). "The Railways of Monmouth". The Railway Magazine. Retrieved July 26, 2011.
  2. ^ a b Waters, Lawrence L. (1950). Steel Trails to Santa Fe. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press. pp. 42, 114.
  3. ^ a b c White, John H. Jr. (1968). A History of the American Locomotive: its development: 1830–1880. New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-23818-0.
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